EUTCT Version: 5.10.2
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Hierarchical View : Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)

Term Name Short Name Status
+  Blood and lymphatic system disordersBloodCurrent
+  Cardiac disordersCardCurrent
+  Congenital, familial and genetic disordersCongCurrent
+  Ear and labyrinth disordersEarCurrent
+  Endocrine disordersEndoCurrent
+  Eye disordersEyeCurrent
+  Gastrointestinal disordersGastrCurrent
+  General disorders and administration site conditionsGenrlCurrent
+  Hepatobiliary disordersHepatCurrent
+  Immune system disordersImmunCurrent
+  Infections and infestationsInfecCurrent
+  Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsInj&PCurrent
+  InvestigationsInvCurrent
+  Metabolism and nutrition disordersMetabCurrent
-  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersMuscCurrent
    +  Bone disorders (excl congenital and fractures) Current
    +  Connective tissue disorders (excl congenital) Current
    +  Fractures Current
    -  Joint disorders Current
        -  Arthropathies NEC Current
            +  Amyloid arthropathy Current
            +  Antithyroid arthritis syndrome Current
            +  Arthritis Current
            +  Arthritis allergic Current
            +  Arthritis climacteric Current
            +  Arthritis enteropathic Current
            +  Arthritis reactive Current
            +  Arthropathy Current
            +  Arthrotoxicity Current
            +  Autoimmune arthritis Current
            +  Behcet's syndrome Current
            +  Blau syndrome Current
            +  Carcinomatous polyarthritis Current
            +  Diabetic arthropathy Current
            +  Diabetic cheiroarthropathy Current
            +  Haemarthrosis Current
            +  Haemophilic arthropathy Current
            +  Hyper IgD syndrome Current
            +  Injection site joint inflammation Current
            +  Joint microhaemorrhage Current
            +  Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis Current
            +  Neuropathic arthropathy Current
            +  Palindromic rheumatism Current
            +  Paraneoplastic arthritis Current
            +  Polyarthritis Current
            +  Poncet's disease Current
            +  Pyogenic sterile arthritis pyoderma gangrenosum and acne syndrome Current
            +  Reiter's syndrome Current
            +  Rheumatic fever Current
            +  Sacroiliitis Current
            +  Seronegative arthritis Current
            +  SLE arthritis Current
            +  Sympathetic posterior cervical syndrome Current
            +  Traumatic arthritis Current
            +  Traumatic arthropathy Current
        +  Crystal arthropathic disorders Current
        +  Infectious arthritis Current
        +  Joint dislocations Current
        +  Joint related disorders NEC Current
        +  Joint related signs and symptoms Current
        +  Osteoarthropathies Current
        +  Psoriatic arthropathies Current
        +  Rheumatoid arthropathies Current
        -  Spondyloarthropathies Current
            +  Adjacent segment degeneration Current
            +  Ankylosing spondylitis Current
            +  Axial spondyloarthritis Current
            +  Destructive spondyloarthropathy Current
            +  Enteropathic spondylitis Current
            +  Juvenile spondyloarthritis Current
            +  Spinal fusion acquired Current
            +  Spondylitis Current
            +  Spondyloarthropathy Current
            +  Spondylopathy traumatic Current
    +  Muscle disorders Current
    -  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue deformities (incl intervertebral disc disorders) Current
        +  Extremity deformities Current
        +  Intervertebral disc disorders NEC Current
        +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue deformities of skull, face and buccal cavity Current
        +  Spine and neck deformities Current
        +  Trunk deformities Current
    -  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders congenital Current
        +  Connective tissue disorders congenital Current
        +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders of face, neck and jaw congenital Current
        +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders of limbs congenital Current
        +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders of skull congenital Current
        +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders of spine congenital Current
        +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders of trunk congenital (excl spine) Current
        +  Musculoskeletal disorders congenital NEC Current
        +  Non-site specific bone disorders congenital Current
        +  Non-site specific cartilage disorders congenital Current
        +  Non-site specific muscle disorders congenital Current
    +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders NEC Current
    +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue neoplasms Current
    +  Synovial and bursal disorders Current
    -  Tendon, ligament and cartilage disorders Current
        +  Cartilage disorders Current
        -  Ligament disorders Current
            +  Fascial hernia Current
            +  Iliolumbar syndrome Current
            +  Iliotibial band syndrome Current
            +  Ligament calcification Current
            +  Ligament disorder Current
            +  Ligament injury Current
            +  Ligament pain Current
            +  Ligament rupture Current
            -  Ligament sprain Current
                +  Acromioclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Acromioclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Ankle sprain Current
                +  Ankle sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Back sprain Current
                +  Calcaneofibular (ligament) ankle sprain Current
                +  Chondrosternal (joint) sprain Current
                +  Chronic sacroiliac sprain Current
                +  Coracoclavicular (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Coracohumeral (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Costovertebral joint sprain Current
                +  Deltoid (ligament), ankle sprain Current
                +  Elbow sprain Current
                +  Finger sprain Current
                +  Foot sprain Current
                +  Foot sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Hand sprain Current
                +  Hand sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Hip sprain Current
                +  Iliofemoral (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Interphalangeal (joint), toe sprain Current
                +  Ischiocapsular (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Jaw sprain Current
                +  Jaw sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Joint sprain Current
                +  Knee sprain Current
                +  Late effect of sprain and strain without mention of tendon Non-Current
                +  Late effect of sprain and strain without mention of tendon injury Non-Current
                +  Lumbar sprain Current
                +  Lumbar sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Lumbosacral (joint) (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Lumbosacral sprain Current
                +  Metatarsophalangeal (joint) sprain Current
                +  Neck sprain Current
                +  Other and ill-defined sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Other ankle sprain Non-Current
                +  Other foot sprain Non-Current
                +  Other hand sprain Non-Current
                +  Other specified sites of sacroiliac region sprain Current
                +  Other specified sites of sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Other sprain of sternum Non-Current
                +  Other wrist sprain Non-Current
                +  Pelvic sprain Current
                +  Pelvic sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Radial collateral ligament sprain Current
                +  Radiohumeral (joint) sprain Current
                +  Radiohumeral (joint) sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Sacroiliac (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Sacroiliac sprain Current
                +  Sacrospinatus (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Sacrotuberous (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Shoulder sprain Current
                +  Sprain Current
                +  Sprain of carpal (joint) of wrist Current
                +  Sprain of carpometacarpal (joint) of hand Current
                +  Sprain of coccyx Current
                +  Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee Current
                +  Sprain of interphalangeal (joint) of hand Current
                +  Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee Current
                +  Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee Current
                +  Sprain of metacarpophalangeal (joint) of hand Current
                +  Sprain of other specified sites of elbow and forearm Non-Current
                +  Sprain of other specified sites of hip and thigh Non-Current
                +  Sprain of other specified sites of knee and leg Non-Current
                +  Sprain of other specified sites of shoulder and upper arm Non-Current
                +  Sprain of radiocarpal (joint) (ligament) of wrist Current
                +  Sprain of ribs Current
                +  Sprain of sacrum Current
                +  Sprain of septal cartilage of nose Current
                +  Sprain of tibiofibular (joint) (ligament) superior, of knee Current
                +  Sprain of unspecified site of back Current
                +  Sprain of unspecified site of elbow and forearm Non-Current
                +  Sprain of unspecified site of hand Current
                -  Sprain of unspecified site of hip and thigh Non-Current
                +  Sprain of unspecified site of knee and leg Non-Current
                +  Sprain of unspecified site of shoulder and upper arm Non-Current
                +  Sprain of unspecified site of wrist Current
                +  Sprained ankle Current
                +  Sprained back Current
                +  Sprains and strains of ankle and foot Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of coccyx Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of elbow and forearm Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of hip and thigh Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of knee and leg Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other and unspecified parts of back Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other specified sites Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other specified sites of elbow and forearm Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other specified sites of hip and thigh Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other specified sites of knee and leg Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other specified sites of sacroiliac region Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of other specified sites of shoulder and upper arm Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of ribs Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of sacroiliac region Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of sacrum Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site of back Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site of elbow and forearm Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site of hip and thigh Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site of knee and leg Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site of sacroiliac region Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of unspecified site of shoulder and upper arm Non-Current
                +  Sprains and strains of wrist and hand Non-Current
                +  Sternoclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Sternum sprain Current
                +  Sternum sprain, unspecified part Current
                +  Sternum sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Tarsometatarsal (joint) (ligament) sprain Current
                +  Thoracic sprain Current
                +  Thoracic sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Thumb sprain Current
                +  Thyroid region sprain Current
                +  Thyroid region sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Tibiofibular (ligament) sprain, distal Current
                +  Toe sprain Current
                +  Twisted knee Current
                +  Ulnar collateral ligament sprain Current
                +  Ulnohumeral (joint) sprain Current
                +  Ulnohumeral (joint) sprains and strains Non-Current
                +  Unspecified site of ankle sprain Current
                +  Unspecified site of foot sprain Current
                +  Unspecified site of sacroiliac region sprain Current
                +  Unspecified site of sprain and strain Non-Current
                +  Wrist sprain Current
                +  Wrist sprains and strains Non-Current
            +  Ligamentitis Current
            +  Ligamentum flavum hypertrophy Current
            +  Pellegrini Stieda disease Current
            +  Sinus tarsi syndrome Current
            +  Spinal ligament ossification Current
            +  Symphysiolysis Current
            +  Syndesmophyte Current
        +  Tendon disorders Current
+  Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)NeoplCurrent
+  Nervous system disordersNervCurrent
+  Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPregCurrent
+  Product issuesProdCurrent
+  Psychiatric disordersPsychCurrent
+  Renal and urinary disordersRenalCurrent
+  Reproductive system and breast disordersReproCurrent
+  Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disordersRespCurrent
+  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkinCurrent
+  Social circumstancesSocCiCurrent
+  Surgical and medical proceduresSurgCurrent
+  Vascular disordersVascCurrent
Standard View