EUTCT Version: 5.10.2
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Hierarchical View : Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)

Term Name Short Name Status
+  Blood and lymphatic system disordersBloodCurrent
+  Cardiac disordersCardCurrent
+  Congenital, familial and genetic disordersCongCurrent
+  Ear and labyrinth disordersEarCurrent
+  Endocrine disordersEndoCurrent
+  Eye disordersEyeCurrent
+  Gastrointestinal disordersGastrCurrent
+  General disorders and administration site conditionsGenrlCurrent
+  Hepatobiliary disordersHepatCurrent
+  Immune system disordersImmunCurrent
+  Infections and infestationsInfecCurrent
+  Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsInj&PCurrent
+  InvestigationsInvCurrent
+  Metabolism and nutrition disordersMetabCurrent
+  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersMuscCurrent
+  Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)NeoplCurrent
+  Nervous system disordersNervCurrent
+  Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPregCurrent
+  Product issuesProdCurrent
+  Psychiatric disordersPsychCurrent
+  Renal and urinary disordersRenalCurrent
+  Reproductive system and breast disordersReproCurrent
+  Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disordersRespCurrent
+  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkinCurrent
+  Social circumstancesSocCiCurrent
-  Surgical and medical proceduresSurgCurrent
    +  Bone and joint therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Breast therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Cardiac therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Endocrine gland therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Eye therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Gastrointestinal therapeutic procedures Current
    -  Haematological and lymphoid tissue therapeutic procedures Current
        -  Blood and blood product treatment Current
            +  Allogenic bone marrow transplantation therapy Current
            +  Apheresis Current
            +  Autologous bone marrow transplantation therapy Current
            +  Autotransfusion Current
            +  Blood stem cell harvest Current
            +  Bone marrow harvest Current
            +  Clotting factor transfusion Current
            +  Cord blood transplant therapy Current
            +  Cytapheresis Current
            +  Donor leukocyte infusion Current
            +  Erythrocytapheresis Current
            +  Exchange blood transfusion Current
            +  Haematopoietic stem cell mobilisation Current
            +  Immunoadsorption therapy Current
            +  Leukapheresis Current
            +  Low density lipoprotein apheresis Current
            +  Mismatched donor bone marrow transplantation therapy Current
            +  Neonatal exchange blood transfusion Current
            +  Packed red blood cell transfusion Current
            +  Peripheral blood stem cell apheresis Current
            +  Photopheresis Current
            +  Plasma expander transfusion Current
            +  Plasmapheresis Current
            +  Platelet transfusion Current
            +  Plateletpheresis Current
            +  T-cell depletion Current
            +  Transfusion Current
            +  Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation therapy Current
            +  Vascular catheter specimen collection Current
        +  Haematological radiotherapies Current
        +  Haematological therapeutic procedures NEC Current
        +  Lymphoid tissue therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Head and neck therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Hepatobiliary therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Male genital tract therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Nervous system, skull and spine therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Obstetric and gynaecological therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Psychiatric therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Renal and urinary tract therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Respiratory tract therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Skin and subcutaneous tissue therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Soft tissue therapeutic procedures Current
    -  Therapeutic procedures and supportive care NEC Current
        +  Anaesthesia and allied procedures Current
        +  Analgesia supportive care Current
        +  Antiinfective therapies Current
        +  Cellular antitumour therapies Current
        +  Chemotherapies Current
        +  Cytokine therapies Current
        +  Dietary and nutritional therapies Current
        +  Drug withdrawal therapies Current
        +  Gene therapies Current
        +  Immunisations Current
        +  Monoclonal antibody therapies Current
        +  Patient positioning Current
        +  Phototherapies Current
        +  Prophylactic procedures NEC Current
        +  Radiotherapies site unspecified Current
        -  Therapeutic procedures NEC Current
            +  Abscess drainage Current
            +  Abscess management Current
            +  Acupressure Current
            +  Acupuncture Current
            +  Adhesiolysis Current
            +  Adjuvant therapy Current
            +  Alcoholisation procedure Current
            +  Amniotic membrane graft Current
            +  Anaphylaxis treatment Current
            +  Antiallergic therapy Current
            +  Anticachectic therapy Current
            +  Antiinflammatory therapy Current
            +  Antioxidant therapy Current
            +  Antipyresis Current
            +  Aphrodisiac therapy Current
            +  Apitherapy Current
            +  Aromatherapy Current
            +  Astringent therapy Current
            +  Bach's flower remedy Current
            +  Balneotherapy Current
            +  Bed rest Current
            +  Benign tumour excision Current
            +  Biofeedback therapy Current
            +  Biotherapy Current
            +  Botulinum toxin injection Current
            +  Calcific deposits removal Current
            +  Cancer surgery Current
            +  Cast application Current
            +  Cast removal Current
            +  Catheter management Current
            +  Catheter placement Current
            +  Catheter removal Current
            +  Chelation therapy Current
            +  Chemocauterisation Current
            +  Chiropractic Current
            +  Conductive education Current
            +  Continuous passive motion machine therapy Current
            +  Cooling therapy Current
            +  Cryotherapy Current
            +  Cyst drainage Current
            +  Cyst removal Current
            +  Cytoreductive surgery Current
            +  Debridement Current
            +  Detoxification Current
            +  Device priming Current
            +  Device therapy Current
            +  Diabetes mellitus management Current
            +  Diadynamic electrotherapy Current
            +  Diathermy Current
            +  Diuretic therapy Current
            +  Diverticulectomy Current
            +  Dopaminergic drug therapy Current
            +  Drain placement Current
            +  Drain removal Current
            +  Drug delivery device implantation Current
            +  Drug delivery device removal Current
            +  Drug therapy Current
            +  Drug therapy enhancement Current
            +  Ecouvillonage Current
            +  Elective procedure Current
            +  Elective surgery Current
            +  Electrocauterisation Current
            +  Electrocoagulation Current
            +  Electrolyte substitution therapy Current
            +  Electroporation therapy Current
            +  Emergency care Current
            +  Empyema drainage Current
            +  Ergotherapy Current
            +  Evidence based treatment Current
            +  Exeresis Current
            +  Exploratory operation Current
            +  Extracorporeal shock wave therapy Current
            +  Extubation Current
            +  Fatigue management Current
            +  Fibrosarcoma excision Current
            +  Fiducial marker placement Current
            +  Fistula repair Current
            +  Fistulotomy Current
            +  Fulguration Current
            +  Gender reassignment therapy Current
            +  Genetic counselling Current
            +  Genitourinary operation Current
            +  Heat therapy Current
            +  Hemicorporectomy Current
            +  Hemipelvectomy Current
            +  High frequency ablation Current
            +  High intensity focused ultrasound Current
            +  Home care Current
            +  Homeopathy Current
            +  Hospice care Current
            +  Hospitalisation Current
            +  Hydrotherapy Current
            +  Hypercalcaemia therapy Current
            +  Hyperthermia therapy Current
            +  Immune enhancement therapy Current
            +  Immunoglobulin therapy Current
            +  Immunomodulatory therapy Current
            +  Immunosuppressant drug therapy Current
            +  Incisional drainage Current
            +  Incubator therapy Current
            +  Infusion Current
            +  Inhalation therapy Current
            +  Injection Current
            +  Intensive care Current
            +  Interchange of vaccine products Current
            +  Interventional procedure Current
            +  Intraoperative care Current
            +  Iontophoresis Current
            +  Irrigation therapy Current
            +  Kinesitherapy Current
            +  Lesion excision Current
            +  Life support Current
            +  Lithotripsy Current
            +  Liver and small intestine transplant Current
            +  Localised alternating hot and cold therapy Current
            +  Macrophage activation Current
            +  Magnetic therapy Current
            +  Manipulation Current
            +  Marsupialisation Current
            +  Mass excision Current
            +  Massage Current
            +  Medical anabolic therapy Current
            +  Medical cannabis therapy Current
            +  Medical counselling Current
            +  Medical device battery replacement Current
            +  Medical device change Current
            +  Medical device implantation Current
            +  Medical device removal Current
            +  Medical device repositioning Current
            +  Medical procedure Current
            +  Medication dilution Current
            +  Medicinal leech application Current
            +  Metabolic abnormality management Current
            +  Microwave therapy Current
            +  Multiple drug therapy Current
            +  Naprapathy Current
            +  Naturopathy Current
            +  Neoadjuvant therapy Current
            +  Neonatal warming therapy Current
            +  Neurostimulator removal Current
            +  Occupational therapy Current
            +  Office visit Current
            +  Organ preservation Current
            +  Organ transplant Current
            +  Palliative care Current
            +  Patient isolation Current
            +  Patient restraint Current
            +  Pelvic exenteration Current
            +  Pelvic exploration Current
            +  Pelvic operation Current
            +  Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy Current
            +  Photocoagulation Current
            +  Physical fitness training Current
            +  Physiotherapy Current
            +  Phytotherapy Current
            +  Plastic surgery Current
            +  Polypectomy Current
            -  Post procedural drainage Current
            +  Postoperative care Current
            -  Premedication Current
                +  Pre-med Non-Current
                +  Pre-medicate Current
            +  Preoperative care Current
            +  Product substitution Current
            +  Product used for unknown indication Current
            +  Prolapse repair Current
            +  Promotion of peripheral circulation Current
            +  Promotion of wound healing Current
            +  Prosthesis implantation Current
            +  Radiocastration procedure Current
            +  Rapid correction of hyponatraemia Current
            +  Reflexology Current
            +  Rehabilitation therapy Current
            +  Reinfusion Current
            +  Relaxation therapy Current
            +  Removal of foreign body Current
            +  Removal of transplanted organ Current
            +  Renal and liver transplant Current
            +  Renal and pancreas transplant Current
            +  Resuscitation Current
            +  Reversal of opiate activity Current
            +  Salvage therapy Current
            +  Sarcoma excision Current
            +  Self-medication Current
            +  Sleep disorder therapy Current
            +  Smoking cessation therapy Current
            +  Specialist consultation Current
            +  Splint application Current
            +  Stent patency maintenance Current
            +  Stent placement Current
            +  Stent removal Current
            +  Sterilisation Current
            +  Sterilisation reversal Current
            +  Stoma care Current
            +  Stoma closure Current
            +  Supplementation therapy Current
            +  Supportive care Current
            +  Surgery Current
            +  Surgical preconditioning Current
            +  Surgical stapling Current
            +  Suture insertion Current
            +  Suture removal Current
            +  Targeted cancer therapy Current
            +  Therapeutic aspiration Current
            +  Therapeutic emesis Current
            +  Therapeutic hypothermia Current
            +  Therapeutic nerve ablation Current
            +  Therapeutic procedure Current
            +  Therapy cessation Current
            +  Therapy change Current
            +  Tissue sealing Current
            +  Traction Current
            +  Transgender operation Current
            +  Transplant Current
            +  Tumour excision Current
            +  Ultrasound therapy Current
            +  Unevaluable therapy Current
            +  Vehicle solution use Current
            +  Weight control Current
            +  Withdrawal of life support Current
            +  Wound closure Current
            +  Wound drainage Current
            +  Wound treatment Current
        +  Tumour vaccine therapies Current
    +  Vascular therapeutic procedures Current
+  Vascular disordersVascCurrent
Standard View