EUTCT Version: 5.10.2
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Search Criteria for Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) (List Identifier 100000000006) Advanced Search
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Hierarchical View : Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)

Term Name Short Name Status
+  Blood and lymphatic system disordersBloodCurrent
+  Cardiac disordersCardCurrent
+  Congenital, familial and genetic disordersCongCurrent
+  Ear and labyrinth disordersEarCurrent
+  Endocrine disordersEndoCurrent
+  Eye disordersEyeCurrent
+  Gastrointestinal disordersGastrCurrent
+  General disorders and administration site conditionsGenrlCurrent
+  Hepatobiliary disordersHepatCurrent
+  Immune system disordersImmunCurrent
+  Infections and infestationsInfecCurrent
+  Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsInj&PCurrent
+  InvestigationsInvCurrent
+  Metabolism and nutrition disordersMetabCurrent
+  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersMuscCurrent
+  Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)NeoplCurrent
+  Nervous system disordersNervCurrent
+  Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPregCurrent
+  Product issuesProdCurrent
+  Psychiatric disordersPsychCurrent
+  Renal and urinary disordersRenalCurrent
+  Reproductive system and breast disordersReproCurrent
+  Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disordersRespCurrent
+  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkinCurrent
+  Social circumstancesSocCiCurrent
+  Surgical and medical proceduresSurgCurrent
-  Vascular disordersVascCurrent
    +  Aneurysms and artery dissections Current
    +  Arteriosclerosis, stenosis, vascular insufficiency and necrosis Current
    -  Decreased and nonspecific blood pressure disorders and shock Current
        +  Blood pressure disorders NEC Current
        +  Circulatory collapse and shock Current
        +  Vascular hypotensive disorders Current
    +  Embolism and thrombosis Current
    +  Lymphatic vessel disorders Current
    -  Vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Cerebrovascular and spinal vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Non-site specific vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Ocular vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Peripheral vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Pulmonary vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Renal vascular disorders NEC Current
        -  Reproductive system vascular disorders NEC Current
            +  Penile vascular disorder Current
            +  Umbilical cord vascular disorder Current
        +  Site specific vascular disorders NEC Current
        +  Vascular malformations and acquired anomalies Current
        -  Vascular neoplasms Current
            +  Angiofibroma Current
            +  Angiosarcoma Current
            +  Angiosarcoma metastatic Current
            +  Angiosarcoma non-metastatic Current
            +  Angiosarcoma recurrent Current
            +  Benign vascular neoplasm Current
            +  Breast angiosarcoma Current
            +  Breast angiosarcoma metastatic Current
            +  Cardiac haemangioma benign Current
            +  Cerebellar haemangioma Current
            +  Cerebral haemangioma Current
            +  Choroidal haemangioma Current
            +  Congenital cerebral haemangioma Current
            +  Endotheliomatosis Current
            +  Eye haemangioma Current
            +  Eyelid haemangioma Current
            +  Gastric haemangioma Current
            +  Glomus tumour Current
            +  Gorham's disease Current
            +  Haemangioma Current
            +  Haemangioma congenital Current
            +  Haemangioma of bone Current
            +  Haemangioma of breast Current
            +  Haemangioma of liver Current
            +  Haemangioma of retina Current
            +  Haemangioma of skin Current
            +  Haemangioma of spleen Current
            +  Haemangiopericytoma Current
            +  Haemangiopericytoma of meninges Current
            +  Hepatic angiosarcoma Current
            +  Hepatic haemangioma rupture Current
            +  Infantile haemangioma Current
            +  Intestinal angioma Current
            +  Intra-abdominal haemangioma Current
            +  Intracranial haemangioma Current
            +  Intraosseous angioma Current
            +  Intravascular lipoma Current
            +  Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia Current
            +  Juvenile angiofibroma Current
            +  Lymphangiosarcoma Current
            +  Malignant haemangiopericytoma Current
            +  Malignant haemangiopericytoma metastatic Current
            +  Malignant haemangiopericytoma recurrent Current
            +  Metastases to peripheral vascular system Current
            +  Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma Current
            +  Ocular haemangiopericytoma Current
            +  Oral haemangioma Current
            +  PHACES syndrome Current
            +  Pyogenic granuloma Current
            +  Renal haemangioma Current
            +  Skin angiosarcoma Current
            +  Stewart-Treves syndrome Current
            +  Ulcerated haemangioma Current
            +  Vascular neoplasm Current
            +  Venous angioma of brain Current
    -  Vascular haemorrhagic disorders Current
        +  Bruising, ecchymosis and purpura Current
        +  Gastrointestinal haemorrhages Current
        +  Haemorrhages NEC Current
        +  Nervous system haemorrhagic disorders Current
        +  Ocular haemorrhagic disorders Current
        +  Renal haemorrhagic disorders Current
        -  Reproductive system haemorrhages Current
            +  Breast haematoma Current
            +  Breast haemorrhage Current
            +  Broad ligament haematoma Current
            +  Cervix haematoma uterine Current
            +  Cervix haemorrhage uterine Current
            +  Genital haemorrhage Current
            +  Haematosalpinx Current
            +  Haematospermia Current
            +  Haemorrhage in pregnancy Current
            +  Haemorrhagic breast cyst Current
            +  Haemorrhagic ovarian cyst Current
            +  Induced abortion haemorrhage Current
            +  Intrapartum haemorrhage Current
            +  Ovarian haematoma Current
            +  Ovarian haemorrhage Current
            +  Pelvic haematoma Current
            +  Pelvic haematoma obstetric Current
            +  Pelvic haemorrhage Current
            +  Penile haematoma Current
            +  Penile haemorrhage Current
            -  Perineal haematoma Current
                +  Perineal hematoma Current
                +  Vulval and perineal haematoma during delivery Non-Current
                +  Vulvar and perineal hematoma during delivery Non-Current
                +  Vulvar and perineal hematoma, postpartum Non-Current
                +  Vulvar and perineal hematoma, unspecified as to episode of care in pregnancy Non-Current
                +  Vulvar and perineal hematoma, with delivery Non-Current
            +  Peripartum haemorrhage Current
            +  Placenta praevia haemorrhage Current
            +  Post abortion haemorrhage Current
            +  Postmenopausal haemorrhage Current
            +  Postpartum haemorrhage Current
            +  Premature separation of placenta Current
            +  Prostatic haemorrhage Current
            +  Retroplacental haematoma Current
            +  Scrotal haematocoele Current
            -  Scrotal haematoma Current
                +  Scrotal hematoma Current
            +  Spermatic cord haemorrhage Current
            +  Subchorionic haematoma Current
            +  Subchorionic haemorrhage Current
            +  Testicular haemorrhage Current
            +  Third stage postpartum haemorrhage Current
            +  Umbilical cord haemorrhage Current
            +  Urethral haemorrhage Current
            +  Uterine haematoma Current
            +  Uterine haemorrhage Current
            +  Vaginal haematoma Current
            +  Vaginal haemorrhage Current
            +  Vulval haematoma Current
            +  Vulval haemorrhage Current
    +  Vascular hypertensive disorders Current
    +  Vascular inflammations Current
    +  Vascular injuries Current
    +  Venous varices Current
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