EUTCT Version: 5.10.2
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Hierarchical View : Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)

Term Name Short Name Status
+  Blood and lymphatic system disordersBloodCurrent
+  Cardiac disordersCardCurrent
+  Congenital, familial and genetic disordersCongCurrent
+  Ear and labyrinth disordersEarCurrent
+  Endocrine disordersEndoCurrent
+  Eye disordersEyeCurrent
+  Gastrointestinal disordersGastrCurrent
+  General disorders and administration site conditionsGenrlCurrent
+  Hepatobiliary disordersHepatCurrent
+  Immune system disordersImmunCurrent
+  Infections and infestationsInfecCurrent
+  Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsInj&PCurrent
+  InvestigationsInvCurrent
+  Metabolism and nutrition disordersMetabCurrent
+  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersMuscCurrent
-  Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)NeoplCurrent
    +  Breast neoplasms benign (incl nipple) Current
    +  Breast neoplasms malignant and unspecified (incl nipple) Current
    +  Cancer-related morbidities Non-Current
    +  Cutaneous neoplasms benign Current
    +  Endocrine neoplasms benign Current
    +  Endocrine neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Gastrointestinal neoplasms benign Current
    +  Gastrointestinal neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Haematopoietic neoplasms (excl leukaemias and lymphomas) Current
    +  Hepatic and biliary neoplasms benign Current
    +  Hepatobiliary neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Leukaemias Current
    +  Lymphomas Hodgkin's disease Current
    +  Lymphomas NEC Current
    +  Lymphomas non-Hodgkin's B-cell Current
    -  Lymphomas non-Hodgkin's T-cell Current
        +  Adult T-cell lymphomas/leukaemias Current
        -  Anaplastic large cell lymphomas T- and null-cell types Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types recurrent Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types refractory Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage I Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage II Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage III Current
            +  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage IV Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma recurrent Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma refractory Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma stage I Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma stage II Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma stage III Current
            +  T-cell lymphoma stage IV Current
        +  Angiocentric lymphomas Current
        +  Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphomas Current
        +  Intestinal T-cell lymphomas Current
        +  Mycoses fungoides Current
        +  Peripheral T-cell lymphomas NEC Current
        +  Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphomas/leukaemias Current
        +  T-cell unclassifiable lymphomas Current
    +  Lymphomas non-Hodgkin's unspecified histology Current
    +  Mesotheliomas Current
    +  Metastases Current
    +  Miscellaneous and site unspecified neoplasms benign Current
    +  Miscellaneous and site unspecified neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Neoplasm related morbidities Current
    -  Nervous system neoplasms benign Current
        +  Gliomas benign Current
        +  Meningiomas benign Current
        +  Nervous system cysts and polyps Current
        +  Nervous system neoplasms benign NEC Current
        -  Neuromas Current
            +  Acoustic neuroma Current
            +  Ganglioneuroma Current
            +  Neuroma Current
    +  Nervous system neoplasms malignant and unspecified NEC Current
    +  Ocular neoplasms Current
    +  Plasma cell neoplasms Current
    +  Renal and urinary tract neoplasms benign Current
    +  Renal and urinary tract neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Reproductive and genitourinary neoplasms gender unspecified NEC Current
    +  Reproductive neoplasms female benign Current
    +  Reproductive neoplasms female malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Reproductive neoplasms male benign Current
    +  Reproductive neoplasms male malignant and unspecified Current
    -  Respiratory and mediastinal neoplasms benign (excl mesotheliomas) Current
        +  Mediastinal neoplasms benign Current
        +  Nasal and paranasal sinus neoplasms benign Current
        +  Oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and tonsillar neoplasms benign Current
        +  Pharyngeal and laryngeal neoplasms benign Current
        +  Respiratory tract and pleural neoplasms benign NEC Current
    +  Respiratory and mediastinal neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Skeletal neoplasms benign Current
    +  Skeletal neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Skin neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    -  Soft tissue neoplasms benign Current
        -  Soft tissue neoplasms benign NEC Current
            +  Adenolipoma Current
            +  Amyloidoma Current
            +  Angiolipoma Current
            +  Angiomyofibroblastoma Current
            +  Angiomyolipoma Current
            +  Angiomyxoma Current
            +  Benign muscle neoplasm Current
            -  Benign soft tissue neoplasm Current
                +  Benign soft tissue neoplasm NOS Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of abdomen Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of head, face, and neck Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of lower limb, including hip Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of other specified sites Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of pelvis Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of thorax Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of trunk, unspecified Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder Non-Current
                +  Other benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue, site unspecified Non-Current
            +  Chest wall cyst Current
            +  Cystic lymphangioma Current
            +  Desmoid tumour Current
            +  Elastofibroma Current
            +  Fibromatosis Current
            +  Foetal cystic hygroma Current
            +  Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath Current
            +  Glomus tumour Current
            +  Hygroma colli Current
            +  Inflammatory pseudotumour Current
            +  Intravascular lipoma Current
            +  Knuckle pads Current
            +  Leiomyoma Current
            +  Lipoblastoma Current
            +  Lipofibroma Current
            +  Lipoma Current
            +  Lymphangioma Current
            +  Meniscus cyst Current
            +  Myelolipoma Current
            +  Myolipoma Current
            +  Nodular fasciitis Current
            +  Pericardial cyst Current
            +  Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour Current
            +  Rhabdomyoma Current
            +  Synovial cyst Current
            +  Xanthogranuloma Current
    +  Soft tissue neoplasms malignant and unspecified Current
    +  Soft tissue neoplasms malignant and unspecified (excl sarcomas) Current
    +  Soft tissue sarcomas Current
+  Nervous system disordersNervCurrent
+  Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPregCurrent
+  Product issuesProdCurrent
+  Psychiatric disordersPsychCurrent
+  Renal and urinary disordersRenalCurrent
+  Reproductive system and breast disordersReproCurrent
+  Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disordersRespCurrent
+  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkinCurrent
+  Social circumstancesSocCiCurrent
+  Surgical and medical proceduresSurgCurrent
+  Vascular disordersVascCurrent
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