EUTCT Version: 5.10.2
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Hierarchical View : Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)

Term Name Short Name Status
+  Blood and lymphatic system disordersBloodCurrent
+  Cardiac disordersCardCurrent
-  Congenital, familial and genetic disordersCongCurrent
    +  Blood and lymphatic system disorders congenital Current
    +  Cardiac and vascular disorders congenital Current
    +  Chromosomal abnormalities and abnormal gene carriers Current
    +  Congenital and hereditary disorders NEC Current
    +  Cytoplasmic disorders congenital Current
    +  Ear and labyrinthine disorders congenital Current
    +  Endocrine disorders congenital Current
    +  Eye disorders congenital Current
    +  Gastrointestinal tract disorders congenital Current
    +  Hepatobiliary disorders congenital Current
    +  Immune system disorders congenital Current
    -  Infections and infestations congenital Current
        +  Bacterial infections congenital Current
        +  Infections congenital NEC Current
        +  Mycobacterial infections congenital Current
        +  Protozoal infections congenital Current
        +  Viral infections congenital Current
    +  Metabolic and nutritional disorders congenital Current
    +  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders congenital Current
    -  Neurological disorders congenital Current
        +  Central nervous system disorders congenital NEC Current
        +  Cerebellar disorders congenital Current
        +  Cerebral disorders congenital Current
        -  Neurological disorders congenital NEC Current
            +  Aicardi's syndrome Current
            +  Alternating hemiplegia of childhood Current
            +  Baltic myoclonic epilepsy Current
            +  Benign familial neonatal convulsions Current
            +  Bulbospinal muscular atrophy congenital Current
            +  Cockayne's syndrome Current
            +  Congenital cranial nerve paralysis Current
            +  Congenital facial nerve hypoplasia Current
            +  Congenital flaccid paralysis Current
            +  Congenital hemiparesis Current
            +  Congenital Horner's syndrome Current
            +  Congenital neurological degeneration Current
            -  Congenital neurological disorder Current
                +  Congenital neurological disorder NOS Current
            +  Congenital nystagmus Current
            +  Early onset primary dystonia Current
            +  Epilepsy congenital Current
            +  Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Current
            +  Familial hemiplegic migraine Current
            +  Familial periodic paralysis Current
            +  Hereditary motor neurone disease Current
            +  Hereditary spastic paraplegia Current
            +  Huntington's disease Current
            +  Hyperexplexia Current
            +  Lafora's myoclonic epilepsy Current
            +  Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome Current
            +  Moebius II syndrome Current
            +  Mount-Reback syndrome Current
            +  Neurofibromatosis Current
            +  Olfactory nerve agenesis Current
            +  Perry syndrome Current
            +  Prader-Willi syndrome Current
            +  Riley-Day syndrome Current
            +  Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy Current
            +  Sjogren-Larsson syndrome Current
            +  Spinal muscular atrophy Current
            +  Tourette's disorder Current
        +  Peripheral nervous system disorders congenital NEC Current
    +  Renal and urinary tract disorders congenital Current
    +  Reproductive tract and breast disorders congenital Current
    +  Respiratory disorders congenital Current
    +  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders congenital Current
+  Ear and labyrinth disordersEarCurrent
+  Endocrine disordersEndoCurrent
+  Eye disordersEyeCurrent
+  Gastrointestinal disordersGastrCurrent
+  General disorders and administration site conditionsGenrlCurrent
+  Hepatobiliary disordersHepatCurrent
+  Immune system disordersImmunCurrent
+  Infections and infestationsInfecCurrent
+  Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsInj&PCurrent
+  InvestigationsInvCurrent
+  Metabolism and nutrition disordersMetabCurrent
+  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersMuscCurrent
+  Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)NeoplCurrent
+  Nervous system disordersNervCurrent
+  Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPregCurrent
+  Product issuesProdCurrent
+  Psychiatric disordersPsychCurrent
+  Renal and urinary disordersRenalCurrent
+  Reproductive system and breast disordersReproCurrent
+  Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disordersRespCurrent
+  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkinCurrent
+  Social circumstancesSocCiCurrent
+  Surgical and medical proceduresSurgCurrent
+  Vascular disordersVascCurrent
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