EUTCT Version: 5.10.2
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Search Criteria for Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) (List Identifier 100000000006) Advanced Search
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Hierarchical View : Medical Dictionary For Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)

Term Name Short Name Status
+  Blood and lymphatic system disordersBloodCurrent
+  Cardiac disordersCardCurrent
+  Congenital, familial and genetic disordersCongCurrent
+  Ear and labyrinth disordersEarCurrent
+  Endocrine disordersEndoCurrent
+  Eye disordersEyeCurrent
+  Gastrointestinal disordersGastrCurrent
+  General disorders and administration site conditionsGenrlCurrent
+  Hepatobiliary disordersHepatCurrent
+  Immune system disordersImmunCurrent
+  Infections and infestationsInfecCurrent
+  Injury, poisoning and procedural complicationsInj&PCurrent
+  InvestigationsInvCurrent
+  Metabolism and nutrition disordersMetabCurrent
+  Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersMuscCurrent
+  Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)NeoplCurrent
+  Nervous system disordersNervCurrent
+  Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditionsPregCurrent
+  Product issuesProdCurrent
+  Psychiatric disordersPsychCurrent
+  Renal and urinary disordersRenalCurrent
+  Reproductive system and breast disordersReproCurrent
+  Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disordersRespCurrent
+  Skin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkinCurrent
+  Social circumstancesSocCiCurrent
-  Surgical and medical proceduresSurgCurrent
    +  Bone and joint therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Breast therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Cardiac therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Endocrine gland therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Eye therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Gastrointestinal therapeutic procedures Current
    -  Haematological and lymphoid tissue therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Blood and blood product treatment Current
        +  Haematological radiotherapies Current
        +  Haematological therapeutic procedures NEC Current
        +  Lymphoid tissue therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Head and neck therapeutic procedures Current
    -  Hepatobiliary therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Biliary tract and gallbladder therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Hepatic therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Hepatobiliary radiotherapies Current
    +  Male genital tract therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Nervous system, skull and spine therapeutic procedures Current
    -  Obstetric and gynaecological therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Cervix therapeutic procedures Current
        -  Contraceptive methods female Current
            +  Billing's contraceptive method Current
            +  Chemical contraception Current
            +  Contraception Current
            +  Contraceptive cap Current
            +  Contraceptive diaphragm Current
            +  Contraceptive implant Current
            +  Contraceptive rhythm method Current
            +  Contraceptive sponge Current
            +  Female condom Current
            +  Female sterilisation Current
            +  Injectable contraception Current
            +  Intra-uterine contraceptive device Current
            +  Intra-uterine contraceptive device insertion Current
            +  Intra-uterine contraceptive device removal Current
            +  Oral contraception Current
            +  Post coital contraception Current
            +  Transdermal contraception Current
        +  External female genital therapeutic procedures Current
        -  Fallopian tube therapeutic procedures Current
            +  Ectopic pregnancy termination Current
            +  Fallopian tube lesion excision Current
            +  Fallopian tube operation Current
            +  Fimbrioplasty Current
            +  Hydrotubation Current
            +  Salpingectomy Current
            +  Salpingo-oophorectomy Current
            +  Salpingo-oophorectomy bilateral Current
            +  Salpingo-oophorectomy unilateral Current
            +  Salpingolysis Current
            +  Salpingoplasty Current
            +  Salpingostomy Current
            +  Tubal diathermy Current
            +  Tubal insufflation Current
        +  Fertility and fertilisation interventions female Current
        +  Foetal therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Gynaecological therapeutic procedures NEC Current
        +  Induced abortions Current
        +  Obstetric therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Ovarian therapeutic procedures Current
        +  Uterine radiotherapies Current
        +  Uterine therapeutic procedures Current
        -  Vaginal therapeutic procedures Current
            +  Brachytherapy to vagina Current
            +  Colporrhaphy Current
            +  Culdocentesis Current
            +  Culdoplasty Current
            +  Enterocele repair Current
            +  Hymenectomy Current
            +  Pelvic floor repair Current
            +  Radical parametrectomy Current
            +  Radiotherapy to vagina Current
            +  Vaginal cyst excision Current
            +  Vaginal douching Current
            +  Vaginal fistula repair Current
            +  Vaginal operation Current
            +  Vaginal prolapse repair Current
            +  Vaginectomy Current
            +  Vaginoperineoplasty Current
            +  Vaginoperineorrhaphy Current
            +  Vaginoplasty Current
    +  Psychiatric therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Renal and urinary tract therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Respiratory tract therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Skin and subcutaneous tissue therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Soft tissue therapeutic procedures Current
    +  Therapeutic procedures and supportive care NEC Current
    +  Vascular therapeutic procedures Current
+  Vascular disordersVascCurrent
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